Alumni reconnect at class reunions

As part of homecoming weekend, on Saturday, Sept. 23, Wesleyan’s Alumni Office hosted reunions for the classes of 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018. These classes celebrated their 25-year, 20-year, 15-year, 10-year, and 5-year reunions, respectively.  
While alumni from all classes attended the Friday festivities, alumni from these milestone classes were invited to a special reunion at Barn Dunwoody to reconnect with former teachers and old friends. This year was the first time that the class reunions were held in a centralized location with the purpose of creating more community and allowing Wesleyan faculty to reconnect with alumni from several classes. 

“It was a beautiful night with a festive atmosphere,” reflected Shelley Martin, director of alumni. “It warmed my heart to see alumni reconnect with faculty and friends. It was a reminder of how relationships created at Wesleyan last beyond the Spalding gates.”  

Alumni of all ages, be sure to register for the Alumni Christmas Party on Wednesday, Dec. 20 at Factory Atlanta.  