Seniors travel to North Carolina for the Senior Retreat

From May 19 to May 22, seniors traveled to North Carolina to enjoy one final class retreat full of fellowship, reflection, and shared wisdom. 
“The senior trip is important as it provides a time for the class to bond one more time altogether in an environment that is without technology or the daily distractions of life,” explains Philip Hart, senior boys grade chair and high school Spanish teacher. “It is a time of play, hanging out, and fellowship to capstone their Wesleyan experience.” 

During the Senior Retreat, students open letters they wrote to themselves on the Freshman Retreat. It is a profound time for them to reflect on who they were and who they have become.  

“There are also poignant moments of friends acknowledging that their time together is coming to an end. Observing the appreciation they have for each other is definitely special,” reflects Hart. 

During the trip, there is a designated time in which all teachers, coaches and mentors serving as chaperones give the seniors a piece of wisdom or encouragement.  

Thank you, seniors, for soaking in your final Wesleyan retreat. We have loved watching you grow and flourish during your time at Wesleyan, and we cannot wait to see all you accomplish in the future! 