The Class of 2024 participates in Commencement Exercises

The Class of 2024 closed their chapter as Wesleyan students with Commencement Exercises on the Morris-Fletcher Quadrangle on May 25 and a Baccalaureate service at Johns Creek United Methodist on May 24. Filled with traditions, these celebrations honored the impressive legacy left by the Class of 2024 and shared our excitement for where God is calling them next. 
The Friday evening Baccalaureate service included worship, reflection on Scripture, student- and faculty-led prayer, and a message from Emily Zavitz, high school grade chair and English teacher.
Zavitz encouraged the Class of 2024 to awaken to the wonder of the world around them. She took seniors on a reflective journey, recalling specific memories from each year spent at Wesleyan, and she noted that all of their teachers earnestly desire that their love for God would continue to deepen. 

While you were experiencing all of these wondrous learning adventures, you were also being exposed to the wonder of God. In my 21 years of teaching, I have learned that the wonder of childhood acts as a mirror to reflect the wonder of God; just spend five minutes in a kindergarten class and you will see the world through the most precious and wide-eyed children,” says Zavitz. 
Zavitz urged students to look at their faith with new, child-like eyes as they enter this next season of life.  
“I’m not encouraging an immature faith, but rather a faith with the earnestness and eagerness of a child. A faith that is aware of the miracle and meaning of Jesus’ resurrection,” encourages Zavitz. 
The celebrations continued the morning of May 25, as graduates and their friends and families gathered for Commencement.  
Salutatorian Kallaghan Freeman reflected on the lessons he learned through his time at Wesleyan and the influence Wesleyan had on him and his classmates. 
“The most important mission Wesleyan has taught us and now, leaves with us: love people. It might be difficult; it might be infuriating; but that has been the most important lesson we can take with us,” asserts Freeman. 
Valedictorian Josh Kavel shared about preparing for the next chapter. He encouraged his classmates to find what they stand for and fight for it as they enter this new season.  
“I hope all of you fight for what makes you uniquely you, as it is that part of you that has made me uniquely me, and made our journey together so uniquely incredible. I hope all of you fight to find and stand for what you believe in,” encourages Kavel. 

Wesleyan parent and board member, Tim Hillegass, encouraged the graduating class to: 
  • Give generously;
  • Have good attitudes, and give everything their best effort;
  • And surrender their lives to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 
“Let God be your compass and allow Him to lead you where He wants to take you and surrender to Him,” reminds Hillegass. 

Also during the ceremony, Tom and Pamela Menefee were presented the Zach and Studie Young Stewardship Award. 
Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate the Class of 2024, and thank you to the Class of 2024 for your time at Wesleyan. We hope you know how loved you are by God and by your Wesleyan family. 