Faculty members share stories of Jesus shaping them along the way

On Thursday, Aug. 29, Chris Cleveland, head of school, and Marc Khedouri, assistant head of school for advancement, spoke at the first middle school chapel of the school year.  
The Christian life theme for the year is “the way.” The theme will focus on teaching students that knowing Jesus equips them to navigate life and their individual journeys. As each person’s walk with Christ is different, the hope is that the theme will encourage students and teachers to share their individual stories of journeying with Jesus. 

“Everybody in this room has a story, and every story matters because of who the author is,” explains Cleveland. 

Cleveland and Khedouri shared their stories with students explaining what drew them to Wesleyan and how they came to know Christ.  

“What drew me to Wesleyan was its mission,” reflects Cleveland. “In many ways, the school’s mission was my mission.” 

The two also shared encouragement to the middle school students.  

“You are surrounded by quality men and women who will do anything they can to help you be successful,” states Khedouri. “Take full advantage of that.” 

Thank you, Mr. Cleveland and Coach Khedouri, for sharing your stories of how Jesus has shaped and molded you along the way. Middle school students, we look forward to seeing how the Lord continues to shape your stories throughout this school year!  