Wesleyan community members attend All School Chapel

On Thursday, Aug. 22, the entire Wesleyan community gathered for the first All School Chapel of the school year. 
The chapel began with a tradition known as the Evergreen Walk. Senior Evergreen students escorted kindergarten students into their first-ever Wesleyan chapel. Participants smiled and waved to classmates and parents as they found their seats up front.  

Students led worship, performing the songs “Wave Walker” by Citizen Way, “Marvelous Light” by Charlie Hall, and “Way Maker” by Leeland.  

Greg Lisson, director of Christian life, revealed the Christian life theme for 2024-25: the way.  

The theme is based in John 14 when Jesus explains to His disciples that He is preparing a place for them in His Father’s house. He encourages his disciples by reminding them that they know the way to the place He is going.  

In verse five, Thomas says, “Lord we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 
Jesus explains to Thomas that He is the way to the Father. Nobody can come to the Father except through Him. Because Thomas knew Jesus, he knew the way.  

This year, we want to teach our students that knowing Jesus equips them to navigate the challenges and joys of life.  

“I hope this theme allows us to do three things: first, I hope it allows us to talk about Jesus a lot. Second, I hope it allows us to unite as a community of believers pursuing the way, and third, I hope it allows us to share our individual stories and testimonies of journeying with Jesus,” explains Lisson.  

Thank you to everyone who attended All School Chapel! We are so thankful we were able to begin the year together, and we look forward to all we will learn along the way this year. 