Incoming freshmen attend the Freshman Retreat

Incoming freshmen students, senior leaders, and faculty members traveled to SharpTop Cove for the Freshman Retreat. 
“The retreat was incredible—the senior leaders and faculty did an amazing job shepherding the freshmen who were just as amazing. They were all in, engaged, embraced the new students, were respectful, and just an overall joy to be around. We laughed, sang, danced, played, prayed, and praised,” smiles Jen Sheppard, assistant director of Christian life: missions and retreats. 
Guest speaker Glenn Campbell spoke from the story of Lazurus in John 11. The first night he focused on John 11:28-31 which says, “The Teacher is here and is calling for you.” The second night he focused on verses 1-6 and 32-37 which say, “If only you had been here, Lord.” Cambell explained that like Mary and Martha, we can feel disappointed by God; however, he is “deeply moved” by our pain and our sin. Campbell then delivered the Gospel message that we all “miss the mark,” but Jesus took our punishment and died in our place. Finally, Campbell closed with verses 23-27 and 38-44 in which Jesus commands Lazarus to rise from the dead and come out of the tomb. He explained that Jesus has the power to raise Lazarus from the dead, and through his own resurrection, we have life, hope and freedom. 
“By the end of the weekend multiple students placed their faith in Jesus for the first time, and many students felt like they had reconnected with Jesus in a new way,” reflects Sheppard. 
Thank you, freshmen, for a wonderful weekend. We are praying for you as you enter high school this year! 