Wesleyan Alumni Fund 2024-25

Your time at Wesleyan was comprised of many intentional relationships that combined to create your Wesleyan experience and consequently built a strong foundation for your life.

This year, as you consider the impact that relationships at Wesleyan have made on your life, please also consider giving to support future Wolves and assist in building their strong foundation.

We invite you to make a gift in honor of a relationship that was impactful to you during your time at Wesleyan. Honor the ones that changed you and be a part of building that foundation for the “you” that is sitting in the classroom, training on the field, serving with a mission opportunity, and being a good friend to a classmate.  

Every gift makes a difference.
Why should you give to the Alumni Fund?

Our Teachers Matter

Our teachers matter. Your gift helps us recruit and retain the best teachers and coaches by providing faculty salaries and benefits. Our faculty love you and love being at Wesleyan. Your gift keeps them here.

Our Students Matter

Our students matter. By giving to the alumni fund you empower academically qualified students conquer financial barriers and receive need based financial aid so they can become Wesleyan students. Lots of students received need based financial aid for the 2019-20 school year. The Alumni Fund help make that possible.

Giving Matters

Giving matters. The amount you choose to give is not as important as the act of giving. We believe giving unlocks a part of your heart that is transformational. By giving to the Alumni Fund you make a difference in the life of our students and our teachers. Your investment in future generations of wolves ultimately changes lives and changes the world.
Every year, we ask that our alumni participate in the Alumni Fund. We ask that you show your gratitude by making a financial gift.
Giving Levels

Youngest Alumni (2020-24)
Gold Level — $50
Green Level — $25
Younger Alumni (2015-19)
Gold Level — $250
Green Level — $100
Alumni (2014-older)
Gold Level — $1000
Green Level — $250